Cloudshelf automatically tracks all sales back to the originating store, and even enables you to reward a sales assistant for a sale.

Register your sales team

During a sale

Sales assistants check-in when they are helping on a Cloudshelf

  1. The sales assistant can swipe down anywhere on the screen 3x rapidly for team selection pop-up to appear
  2. Sales person selects their name or reference
  3. Sales person clicks on the (x) to close the window

If a sales person is selected, their firstname will appear on the check-out page with a message to say eg "Today you were helped by John".  
If a sales person does not see their name, they can do the 3x swipe gesture anywhere on the screen and set themselves.

Tracking a completed sale on your Shopify store

After a sale is complete, on the Shopify order you will be able to see the following references:

  • CS_Cloudshelf - The Cloudshelf experience from where this order was placed
  • CS_Device - The device name (you can configure this within the 'Devices' section)
  • CS_OriginatingStore - The originating store from where the sale has been completed
  • CS_SalesAssistant - The employees' full name and employee reference (if available) is shared in the field

Screenshot of example in Shopify order:

Tracking a completed sale via the API

If you wish to integrate this into an ERP, you can use the following:

To recover the data through a graphQL query:

  orders(first: 10) {
    edges {
      node {
        lineItems (first: 10) {
          nodes {
        customAttributes {

The key would be CS_CloudshelfCS_DeviceCS_OriginatingStoreCS_SalesAssistant 

Or if you want to get a single orders data, you can query it by ID:
  order(id: "gid://shopify/...") {
    customAttributes {